Indonesia | Ahmad Zamroni - Part 3
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AZ's Blog | Indonesia Photograher / Posts tagged "Indonesia" (Page 3)
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Tear Sheet : National Geographic Traveler Indonesia, Oktober 2012

Odometer, alat pengukur jarak di mobil, mencatat 4.786 kilometer. Perjalanan ini benar-benar petualangan berkendara mobil terpanjang yang pernah saya lakukan, tanpa pengemudi cadangan.       MENDUNG MENGGANTUNG di langit Selandia Baru. Malam beranjak larut. Gelap, nyaris tanpa lampu penerang. Saya menyusuri suatu ruas jalanan yang kadang mendaki panjang...

Odometer, alat pengukur ja...

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Indonesia Blog Award from “Internet Sehat”

Woww.. amazing, baru beberapa jam pihak Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA) 2010 mengumumkan award ini di media, langsung ratusan orang mengunjungi blog saya yang masih tergolong muda ini. Sungguh ini merupakan kegembiraan tersendiri menerima apresiasi ini dan mengetahui banyak pengunjung yang membaca tulisan-tulisan sederhana saya. Barangkali ini akan menjadi rekor jumlah pembaca yang mengunjungi blog ini.

The Denggal Dance

The Denggal dance is a special dance from Walsa tribe in Waris, part of Keerom district in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. This dance is performed before starting the process of making the sago flour.

The Walsa Tribe always performs The Danggal Dance accompanied by a song or the local call sanggal, the meaning is to celebrate and to communicate each other on the way to reach the celebration place.

I La Galigo

Theatre, dancevisionary work by Robert Wilson. I LA GALIGO features a cast of 50 Indonesia’s finest performers. The music has been researched and composed by Indonesian master Rahayu Supanggah.
The theatre work is inspired by Sureq Galigo (Galigo Manuscripts), an epic poem of the Bugis people of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Longer than the Mahabharata and comparable to the adventures of Ulysses in Homer’s Odyssey, the epic tells the story of the creation of the Middle World and the first six generations of its inhabitants.
