Indonesia | Ahmad Zamroni - Part 2
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AZ's Blog | Indonesia Photograher / Posts tagged "Indonesia" (Page 2)
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Portrait of Kuncoro Wibowo for Forbes Indonesia

Portrait of Kuncoro Wibowo, president commissioner of Ace Hardware Indonesia and founder of Kawan Lama Group for Forbes Indonesia August Issue's cover story.  Ace Hardware financial and stock performance shown a strong growth over the past years. The group itself keep expanding and innovating its business,...

Portrait of Kuncoro Wibowo, pr...

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Heavenly Cruise Raja Ampat

The world’s richest reefs or the “kingdom of coral” are some names given to Raja Ampat, it’s a name well deserved as the Raja Ampat islands encompass over four million hectares of land and sea o the far northwestern tip of Papua. It consists of...

The world’s richest reefs or t...

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INILAH beberapa hasil bidikan Ahmad Zamroni. Ia memotret banyak figur, (searah jarum), dari Joe Taslim (aktor), Sunaryo Soetono (seniman). Hilmi Panigoro (Presiden Direktur Medco Energi Internasional), Erastus Radjimin (CEO Artotel Indonesia), Chairul Tanjung (Chairman CT Corp.), dan Tjipto Widodo (President Comissioner BW Group).

Ahmad Zamroni: Kreativitas dalam Keterbatasan untuk Portrait

“Perlu kreativitas untuk merencanakan pemotretan dalam waktu yang terbatas.”  Ahmad Zamroni banyak membuat portrait editorial untuk majalah bisnis di tempatnya bekerja sekarang . Seringnya, ia memotret CEO atau figur-figur penting lainnya dalam perusahaan. Tidak semua penugasan yang dilakukan dapat disiapkan dengan matang. Jadwal CEO yang padat membuatnya...

“Perlu kreativitas untuk meren...

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Stones of Life

Sunaryo’s “Wot Batu” is the crowning achievement of a noted artist. For the past three years, the renowned artist Sunaryo Soetono, 72, has devoted most of his time and energy to gardening. However it’s not a typical garden, as it’s a garden made of stones, from...

Sunaryo’s “Wot Batu” is the cr...

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#iniNegriku, A Visual Journey | Photo Book

Inilah etalase mini nusantara. Wajah negeri ini kami keluarkan dari bingkai mooi indie yang sering menyamarkan ke-Indonesia-an dalam kemolekan yang beku. Narasi visual 1000Kata menyatukan alam dan manu- sia dalam bingkai yang utuh. Kami ingin menegaskan warna-warni budaya, suku, dan bentang alam yang terentang 5.120...

Inilah etalase mini nusantara....

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The Beauty of Smartphone Photography

Captured moment: A photo by Forbes Indonesia photo editor Ahmad “Roni” Zamroni, one of four photojournalists behind the recently launched smartphone photography book NESW. Courtesy of Ahmad Zamroni

Captured moment: A photo by Forbes Indonesia photo editor Ahmad “Roni” Zamroni, one of four photojournalists behind the recently launched smartphone photography book NESW. Courtesy of Ahmad Zamroni



Warning death knells tolled for quality photojournalism when major US newspaper Chicago Sun-Times replaced its entire photography staff with iPhone-wielding reporters in May last year.

But for Dita Alangkara, Associated Press chief photographer for Indonesia, trading his high-precision DSLR camera for an iPhone recalls the adrenaline-fuelled early days on the job — before the deadline and technical demands of newsgathering turned photography into mechanical point-and-shoot.

Shooting with a cell phone camera is akin to discovering a new toy, says Dita, as its limitations — slower shutter response, lower resolution and absence of long-range lenses — ups the creative and technical ante.

He is one of four photojournalists behind the recently launched smartphone photography book NESW (short for North East South West) along with Kompas daily photographer Yuniadhi Agung; Mast Irham, European Pressphoto Agency’s chief photographer for Indonesia; and Forbes Indonesia photo editor Ahmad “Roni” Zamroni.
